
VIDEO: HAAS Alert CEO & HiVizLED President Discuss Innovation in Fire Safety

Jun 18, 2020

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HAAS Alert CEO Cory Hohs recently sat down with Sam Massa, President of lighting company HiVizLED, volunteer firefighter, and hazmat tech, to join the HiVizLED informal podcast “Business People of the Fire Service." The show features interviews with the business community about the fire service industry and what strategies have helped them to grow. Click above to learn more about how HAAS Alert struck a balance between innovation and tradition to create proven solutions for one of the most critical industries in the world. 

Sam Massa is on the NFPA 1901 Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, NFPA 1906 Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus, serves as a representative of the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers Association (FAMA) and also chairs the electrical task group for those organizations. Cory Hohs is principal on NFPA 950, NFPA951, and on NFPA 414 ARFF standard, is an active contributor to NFPA 1901 along with being a member of (FAMA), on the electrical task group, is a member of the Transportation Research Board Public Safety Subcommittee, and sits on the Tech Committees for both FAMA and IAFC.